Our Beneficiary – Bairon

Our beneficiary is a young man named Bairon. He is from here in Mesa County.

Bairon was born legally blind. Since his birth he has had numerous seizures ranging from mild to severe, many of which have required hospitalization.

Earlier this spring, he was blessed with an opportunity to undergo brain surgery at Children’s Hospital in Denver that would hopefully help to alleviate the seizures. The surgery went well and Bairon is doing much better.

His family had health insurance that covered most of the procedure, but the additional items that are not covered by any insurance are what we are raising money for such as transportation funds to travel to an from medical appointments both in the Grand Junction area and Denver and the costs of housing while in Denver.

We hope that our attendees and spectators will be helpful in helping us attain our goal of $5,000. We may not reach that goal but every little bit helps.

During the event, there will be a silent auction on going in the barn. Please visit the silent auction area. We have some wonderful items.
